14 September 2007

if you don't - want to change - clap your hands !!

As you may or may not know - Turkish politics were shaking from the stem. Secular community had huge protests against the ruling party AKP. AKP judged these as a provocative movement for the elections and tried to cover up the events. No tv channel but just a pure secular one mentioned the first gathering and so the newspapers. This can give us a clue on how a complex planned ruling organization we are dealing with. Although this is done with a very professional manner... these guys are still turkish =) they underestimated the scale of the event and thought censoring would be enough. Guess what... people realized the movement showed their anger... and on the second event almost all the main Tv stations broad casted from the meeting.

Moving on, the general election period started, we watched the regular political lies - some soap opera like scenes between uniting parties and resulted in an absolute victory of AKP. The questions to be asked are; what lead to the tension in secular regions? what was AKP thinking? did the opposition enough? what should we expect from future?... In this article I'll try to answer these question from my perspective.

Why don't I support AKP? They had great improvements on social security, governmental services and economical situation. At least they gave that impression to the public. For example they had a so called health revolution. They started the project just before the elections (guess why?). It resulted on a total disaster. The university hospitals are currently in overload status and the schedules for control are 3-6 months due. Also the economy is currently standing on foreign investments, which makes it risky for another economical crisis. On the other hand under AKP ruling, religious acts are tremendously increased. Long story short, they try to remove secularity concept from the constitution while they say otherwise. This is the part that I really hate, being lied to - although I now that this is just politics. Maybe this is the main reason why opposing people don't like AKP - AKP politics is very neatly planned and organized almost perfect minus the human factor. Turkish way of politics is to face the problems directly, and if you have the power you can do any thing...you don't need to lie or do any politics. (or I'm just hallucinating)

Thanks god AKP is trying to enter EU. At least for the sake of Progress Reports we do see some real improvements. For example separating Transportation and Information ministries was a real need. Of course the main power behind these fast improvements are the fact that we don't have a coalition government. Could this be better if CHP won %66 of the seats? Even though they managed, I honestly don't believe they would do better but at least we won't have any threats against secularism.

The path to our future is little bit of threatening for me. For example allowing headscarf would result in enpowernment of the religious community causing more pressure on seculars. I won't want to grow my children in a country where the government acts like they are the hand of god.

I'm an engineer with a little managerial experience. I believe by methodically thinking you could solve almost anything. My solution for the situation is the reorganization of CHP. CHP should remove the old school father-to-son way of politicians, should add academic Prof.s as an advisory committee and leave the decision making to ambitious young business people. As you see this is an utopia for this reason the only thing we could do is to show our teeth and hope this would hold AKP for a while.

Note: This is a follow up to "Secim Meselesi: Ciddi Bir Yazi" by Levent Tuter.

04 September 2007

Houston, do you copy?

Salute, my precious friends. How are you? What have you been doing for the past few months? I have a huge list so I'll try to stick to some of the headlines for this catch-up entry. Feel free to tell your story in the comments =D

First of all, the reason behind my delay between my posts is the...ırr... actually I'm not really sure. Most probably Its the fuckin' heat wave around Istanbul - or maybe it is that writing this blog was a little get away from the last semesters work, and now that I'm literally FREE, which means I can find more creative ways to relax =)

Starting from where I left you, I was part of the event Intel GameX, kind of a LAN Party - Tournament thing. It was hosted inside this years Compex show, so it was the biggest public gaming event I have seen. The most important thing about this event is not what happened there, it is what I came home with. Every summer I put away my fluffy orange carpet but this year I found an incredible replacement =). I had much of a trouble to take that huge 2.50m*2.50m hard based poster but despite the inconvenience of my friends, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! =D

More over, I started playing strategy games like Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, and StarCraft: BroodWar. The CnC3 is an incredible game with beautiful game play and graphics. Where as StarCraft is a lot fun to play with pals old pals =) - Unfortunately I had to delete both for storage space...

More over I attended 2 concerts this summer.... eventually I attended much more but at least I really enjoyed these two "Dream Theater" and "Within Temptation". 2 concerts single word: INCREDIBLE! You can see the pics from DT concert I took with my shitty cellular-cam. Also check out what I wrote to WT's GuestBook; "Thx for the amazing performance in Istanbul! WT was the solo reason for me being in this festival and I got more than I expected. It was an insult to schedule you guys to 6pm just before some freak show but anyways.... thank you soo much for coming to Istanbul, for this performance - seems like you enjoyed the crowd too...hope we meet again."

By the way, if you watched Transformers; "dude that was awesome =) " it really is "More Than Meets the Eye", If you were in a country like Germany where they don't show movies in their original languages... how bad for you, Go buy the BlueRay realase, get a PS3 to play and a full HD screen to watch that piece of CGI Heaven (Yes it was that good). Even though I watched on the cinema, I'm definately planning to watch it again frame-by-frame.

I won't get in to politics or future plans for this post, I'm planning to post another within the week. More fun is on the way ]:-D Stay connected..

hint for the next episode: I'm moving!

Europe trip

The photos from my trip to europe - 4 countries in 15 days, pretty good huh =) hope you enjoy