04 April 2007

hate Winsock

It's been over 9 hours since I started my search on a working c++ server client pair. Its a shame that even some computer science grads doesn't know how to program with winsocks. At last a couple hours ago I could find some peace of code and compile it. I also tried the sample code on msdn which I couldn't compile on Visual Studio 6. It was kind of creepy but at the end I managed to accomplish the first part of my project: get a c++ server-client pair. I also compiled a server-client pair with java.
Next two steps are:
1) c++ server - java client
2) c++ client - java server
3) c++ server&client - java server&client (threads may be needed)

I have a class at 9, most probably I'll sleep after the class.

Another sleepless night... nighty night

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Europe trip

The photos from my trip to europe - 4 countries in 15 days, pretty good huh =) hope you enjoy