More over about the last weeks parade in Ankara, another one is announced to be held in Istanbul on April,29 - which is next sunday - at Caglayan square/Sisli. See you there =)
Returning back to my boring life, I was stuck on JLIST's, wasn't able to change a value on a Jlist - solution is as follows, put the values on a vector, send the vector to the jlist and then the scroll pane and then the parenting panel. And to modify the values, change the value in the vector, resend it to jlist, resend jlist to the scroll pane, and repaint the jPanel. It is a lame job to do these each time you change a value but - it is how java spins this thing.
Because that my college friends are graduating this year - I have a lot of write-ups
to write for the year book and I haven't started yet. I must start any time soon.
The surprise of yesterday was that Prof. Isil Bozma (also known my project advisor) skipped our weekly project meeting. I feel like she doesn't have right to skip a meeting when she is a professor. Probably something important have happened.
On Wednesday me, my sister and some friends went to Taksim for a live performance of the Group Badem. Actually I wasn't expecting much but we had fun.
Have you checked out the new Command & Conquer 3 a.k.a Tiberium Wars. The game is fantastic, you should try it with a good pc - the modelings and effects are magnificent.
One more thing before I go to sleep, Defrag your pc! I just looked and there is 60% fragmentation.
I couldn't sleep well last night so I'll have a little nap.. may be I add some more
*For those who doesn't know Stephen Colbert - he is hosting his own television show The Colbert Report which is a Comedy Central program watched by 1.2m viewers per night.
Some quotes from Stephen Colbert in White House Correspondents' Association Dinner:
I believe in democracy. I believe democracy is our greatest export. At least until China figures out a way to stamp it out of plastic for three cents a unit. As a matter of fact, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong, welcome. Your great country makes our Happy Meals possible. I said it's a celebration.
The point is it is the heart-warming story of a man who was repeatedly punched in the face, so don't pay attention to the approval ratings that say that 68% of Americans disapprove of the job this man is doing. I ask you this, does that not also logically mean that 68% approve of the job he's not doing?
I believe the government that governs best is the government that governs least. And by these standards, we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq.
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