31 March 2007

job applications

Today I spent many hours on filling out forms for job applications. I was surprised by the number of positions available for new grads. If you are interested, you can access my cv over here. I usually keep it as a pdf file but for the sake of storage I used Google docs.

My plan for today was going to the lab and working on apes but this application thing took a lot more time then I expected, at least I'll have time to close the gap tomorrow.

On the other hand I crossed over an opera song which reminded me that I still couldn't have chance to see an opera. I'm really looking forward to go to an opera, this means I'll be open to invitations =)

by the way, new thing alert!
listen: Manto (a group with the sound of a Wolfer) (what is a wolfer? you should figure that out)
Very good band, former Battle of the Bands winner!

So on and so fort, I watched the latest Lost episode... what the hell was that... The only reason I'm still watching the series is that the producers declared it will eventually have an end. I'm really bored with new mysteries. (seems like lost fans didn't like my entry in EksiSozluk)

Your reporter is reporting live from far future, good night...

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Europe trip

The photos from my trip to europe - 4 countries in 15 days, pretty good huh =) hope you enjoy